OPHR People Calendar

The People Calendar is here and it will keep you on track with all the things you need to remember. HR is so much more complex than it used to be, particularly in organizational strategy and business planning but deadlines still need to be met and observances respected. We’re here to help you with that. 🤝

Oftentimes, HR people are under-resourced and overwhelmed; especially in smaller and scaling organizations. They may not have access to the tools and resources that large, well-funded organizations have. The Rise Journey created OPHR - which stands for One Person Human Resources - for the small HR teams or teams of one with a goal of making HR so easy, just one person could do it. OPHR helps supplement the need for additional resources when responsibilities are increasing and budgets are decreasing. 

The People Calendar is just one of many OPHR resources. It is entirely free and features important dates and meaningful observances to help stay ahead and empower a workplace where all employees feel they belong. In just one place, you have access to email templates for organizational communication, quick history facts, and resources for continued learning. 🧠 You’ll also see resources for compliance items, links to forms, and other core HR functions. 🗓️

The calendar will continue to evolve (✨ automatic updates✨) to include brief video clips, readings and other resources that feature advice from subject matter experts in order to help foster culture conversations within your workplace.

Stay on track by adding The People Calendar to your existing calendar today! It’s compatible with Google calendar, Outlook, and others!  Let’s #RiseWithOPHR.


Introducing OPHR Advanced